Month: August 2015

Writing status update (#33)

It’s been a little over a month since my last update. The first couple of weeks weren’t very productive at all for the sort of writing I mean when I just say “writing,” as I sort of expected, but the last three have been increasingly but inconsistently productive. I could describe what I did in detail and chronological order, but it’s probably better to primarily compare my progress to the goals I set for myself last month. Continue reading “Writing status update (#33)”

Strategic Primer assistive programs development report and roadmap (#35)

It’s been a little over a month since my last report on the development of the suite of assistive programs for players and Judges of Strategic Primer, and there have been a fair number of bug fixes and new features.

You can download the new (snapshot) release, 0.4.3250, as usual, and if you want to see the development history in detail you can browse the repository online. Continue reading “Strategic Primer assistive programs development report and roadmap (#35)”

Alternate History Ideas Up For Grabs

As I’ve mentioned before, my plans for one of the subseries I hope to eventually include in the Shine Cycle, the “Alternate Universes” sub-series, are mostly drawn from “alternate histories” of our world. However, between high school and college history courses and extracurricular reading about history, I’ve managed to come up with more alternate-history ideas than I can or even want to actually write about. On the other hand, just because I can’t write about them all, doesn’t mean I think they aren’t possible-worlds that are worth exploring, that I might like to read about someday.

So today I’m sharing my current list of alternate-history ideas that I’m not planning to write about. If you see an idea on this list that sparks your imagination, feel free to take the idea and run with it. Continue reading “Alternate History Ideas Up For Grabs”